Results - Final (Best of the Best)
Line Following RBX

Results: Line Following RBX
Semi Final Final (Best of the Best)


OrderIDLevelTeam nameRobotTime1Time2CentimetersBest timeRank
2320Gymnasium 4th - 7th GradeAngels_1Angels_lf00.12.34200.12.316 0 00.12.316 1
4260Special (Soldiers & Adults)WeByte1Veggos00.16.516 DNF 0 00.16.516 2
5337UniversityUCY Robotics cLabPathTracker00.40.31800.39.760 0 00.39.760 3
3157Primary 4th - 6th GradeLAOURIS CHAMPIONSAlonso DNF DNF110 DNF 4
1368Gymnasium 1st - 3rd GradeGAP DynamicsGAPeGonazalez DNF DNF86 DNF 5