Robotex Cyprus 22 - The 2-day festive event

The President of the House of Representatives Mrs. Annita Dimitriou attended the Sports Center of the University of Cyprus inaugurated the 5th Robotex Pancyprian Robotics Competition.
Robotex Cyprus 22 was organized by the Cyprus Computer Society (CCS) on 25 and 26 June 2022 and celebrated its "5th birthday" as the largest educational robotics festival in Cyprus. This year's competition was attended by 625 robotists, pupils, students and adults from all over Cyprus that competed in 20 different challenges.
After the welcome speech of the President of CCS, Mr Costas Agrotis on behalf of the organizers, the event was greeted by representatives of the co-organizers. Specifically, Ms. Maria Miltiadou, Deputy Director of the Youth Board, Professor George Chrysanthou on behalf of the Computer Science Department of the University of Cyprus and Director of Research at CYENS and Mr. Christos Christou, President of IET Cyprus.
The President of the House of Representatives was thrilled with the presentations and the innovative content of the constructions created by the participants and expressed her admiration for the level of their knowledge and skills. She remained in the venue enough time to get involved in the evaluation process, encouraging the children to promote their work.
The 2-day event was attended by parents, relatives and friends of the competitors and lovers of technology and robotics who had the opportunity to watch robotic battles and visit robotics exhibitions.
Specifically, on Saturday 25/6 the LINE FOLLOWING series was enriched by tracks with various obstacles that the robots must avoid, in the MAZE competition the robots tried to find the exit of the labyrinth, like the mythical Theseus and in the FOLKRACE rally many robots competed at the same time in an innovative platform. On Sunday 26/6, in SUMO based on the famous Japanese wrestling, the robots tried to displace each other from the field. The competition includeded the COLOUR PICKING challenge and the new GIRLS FIRE-FIGHTING aiming to attract more women to the STEAM sector.On both days of the Robotex event, with the help of the presenter Mr. Kyriakos Pastidis, elementary school students presented educational robotics projects with the current environmental issue of waste management.
In addition to the competition part, the robotics festival included interactive booths, "sweet" surprises, and the 5th birthday festivities with music and dance interventions! The booth of with the robotic hand attracted many visitors, where keyrings were 3D-printed as a souvenir from Robotex Cyprus 22. Representatives of Makerspace Larnaca/Youth Board of Cyprus presented creative constructions and Neapolis University Pafos offered gifts to visitors. At the Engino booth, a live draw took place among all attendees for 9 robotic and educational products. Everybody was excited about the sweet treats offered by IET Cyprus in collaboration with Christel’s Designs. Drummer Yiagos Pavlou from the Music Club of the University of Cyprus performed at the event and the dancers from the Elena Clark Dance School gave a beautiful performance choreographed by Mrs. Stavrina Kousparou.
Finally, the volunteers with the red shirts and the judges with the black ones, blew out the 5 candles of the Robotex Cyprus birthday cake. The Chairman of the Robotex Cyprus Organizing Committee, Dr. Panicos Masouras expressed his gratitude to the volunteers and organizations that support the competition for these 5 years and the Chairman of the Scientific Committee Mr. George Georgiou said he was proud of Robotex's contribution to the growth of the educational robotics market in Cyprus.
The next stop of Robotex Cyprus is the winners award ceremony that will take place in September as well as the trip to the respective international competition in Estonia that will take place on November 25th and 26th. Cyprus has collected many international awards in the past and we wish even more distinctions and experiences in the future.
Please see the results at and contact the Cyprus Computer Society at 22460680 for more information.
About Robotex Cyprus
With the University of Cyprus, the Youth Board and the IET Cyprus as co-organizers, Robotex Cyprus 22 will celebrate its "5th birthday" as the largest educational robotics festival in Cyprus, established in 2017.
The competition is organised under the auspices of H.E the President of the Republic of Cyprus Mr Nicos Anastasiades and has been approved by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth, the Digital Champion, under the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy and the Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber (ΕΤΕΚ).
Robotex Cyprus 22 takes place in collaboration with Cyta which is the longtime strategic partner of CCS, XM which is the technology partner and Bank of Cyprus as Youth Supporter. EKO and Exness participate also as platinum sponsors, Neapolis University Pafos as gold sponsor and the competition is supported by organizations and all the private universities.
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Organizers & Supporters
- Organizer: Cyprus Computer Society (CCS)
- Co - organizers: University of Cyprus, Cyprus Youth Organization & IET Cyprus Local Network
- Under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Cyprus (Nikos Anastasiades)
- Approved by:
- Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth
- Digital Champion Cyprus under the Ministry of Research, Innovation & Digital Policy, and the Scientific
- Technical Chamber of Cyprus ETEK
- Strategic Partner: Cyta
- Technology Partner: XM
- Youth Supporter: Bank of Cyprus
- Platinum sponsors: EKO Cyprus & Exness
- Gold sponsor: Neapolis University Pafos
- Silver Sponsors: Engino & CYENS Center of Excellence
- Bronze Sponsors: ECDL Cyprus, Novatex Solutions Ltd, ZEBRA Consultants, Supernova & NETinfo
- Universities: CUT, University of Nicosia, European University Cyprus, Frederick University Cyprus, The University of Central Lancashire - UCLan
- Gifts:
- Supporters:
- Technical Equipment by Logicom Distribution & CISCO Meraki
- Social Media by Panis Pieri
- Services by gra.des, C.K. Matrix exhibitions partners, Arnold's Digital Printers
- and the Associations, ACM IEEE, Informatics Teachers Association and Planning and Technology Teachers Association
- Communication Sponsors: Cyprus News Agency, Alpha Cyprus, Reporter, &