Αποτελέσματα - Semi Final

Αποτελεσματα: LEGO Shot Put MRC
Semi Final Final (Best of the Best)

Δημοτικό 4η - 6η Τάξη - GROUP 1

OrderIDΕπίπεδοTeam nameΡομπότCentimeters1Centimeters2Centimeters3Best centimeters
1102Primary 4th - 6th GradeLAOURIS STARSShoter155112155
2336Primary 4th - 6th GradeTechKnightsTechKnight4414344
3215Primary 4th - 6th GradeRobot KnightsStr Shot12720 0 27
4218Primary 4th - 6th GradeRobot LegendsStr Shot24314

Γυμνάσιο 1η - 3η Τάξη - GROUP 2

OrderIDΕπίπεδοTeam nameΡομπότCentimeters1Centimeters2Centimeters3Best centimeters
178Gymnasium 1st - 3rd GradeLAOURIS CROCODILENikitas118110 0 118
2226Gymnasium 1st - 3rd GradeSuper RobotsSuperRobot82706082
367Gymnasium 1st - 3rd GradeLAOURIS ROBOTSGeorgia_Bot62 0 0 62

Γυμνάσιο 4η - 7η Τάξη - GROUP 3

OrderIDΕπίπεδοTeam nameΡομπότCentimeters1Centimeters2Centimeters3Best centimeters
1132Gymnasium 4th - 7th GradeLaouris FiveShooters133128121133
2118Gymnasium 4th - 7th GradeLaouris SevenKatapeltus Chloraka116111 0 116